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Billig Fullerton RI Stratocaster?


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Så den på finn.no og begynte å tro det var for godt til å være sant.

Og når jeg leste videre på annonsen skjønte man jo klart at han duden bak den hadde brukte google translator.

Da begynner man å lure på om det er ugler i posen, eller urent mel i mosen som man også sier.

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Svar på svensk annonse:


Tack för att du kontaktar mig angående min prtodukt. Den finns fortfarande kvar. Produkten är perfekt och inkluderar alla tillbehör. Vänligen kontakta mig om du vill köpa min produkt. Just nu är jag i England för jag har just flyttat hit. Om du gillar produkten kan vi göra en snabb affär. Skatter och frakt är inkluderat i priset.


P.S. I am very sorry for my Swedish but I hope you can understand. If you want we can continue in english, because it would be much better for me.

Svar på norsk annonse:


Takk for at du kontakte meg om produktet mitt, er denne fortsatt tilgjengelig for salg. Produktet er perfekt, har inkludert alt tilbehør. Vennligst komme tilbake til meg og fortelle meg hvis du vil kjøpe produktet mitt. I dette øyeblikket lever jeg England fordi jeg nettopp flyttet hit. Hvis du liker produktet vi kan hvis du vil kjøpe det vi kan gjøre en rask avtale. Skatter for frakt er inkludert i prisen.


P.S. I am very sorry for my Norwegian but I hope you can understand. If you want we can continue in english, because it would be much better for me.

Dette er helt ekte svindel.

Edited by GunnarpåMo
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En standard svindel variant vil være at neste mail kommer til å fortelle deg at gitaren skal sendes fra England.

Du kan da sette inn penger hos et fraktselskap som sender gitaren til deg. Så får du gitaren, og har sju dager på deg til å finne ut om du vil ha den.

Hvis du vil ha den, overføres pengene til selgeren, og hvis du velger å returnere den, får du tilbake pengene.

Saken er selvfølgelig at selgeren er fraktselskapet, og at du aldri ser noe mer til hverken gitar eller penger.

Spennende å se om han sender flere av bildene fra Ebay annonsen.

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Sendte en mail der jeg ba om flere bilder og betalingsinformasjon. Dette er svaret jeg fikk:

"I'm not home right now and the pictures are in my computer. I want to make this transaction by an escrow company, they will handle this transaction for us (receiving payment and delivery). All taxes are included in the price and the shipping process will take aprox 3 days.

This are the steps of the transaction

1. You give me your full name and address.

2. I will deliver the product and you will receive the confirmation from them along with a tracking number so you can check the status of the delivery using online GPS on their website .

3. Along with the delivery confirmation comes also the payment instructions.

4. After you will send the money to them , you receive the product and test it for 10 days ( if you like will keep it , if you will not like it , the company will return the product to me and they will fully refund ) .

The transaction will be ensured by their third party service the offers both the seller and the buyer safety.

If you agree with all this we can proceed with the deal.

Thank you and I will wait your fast answer."

Ganske nøyaktig sånn som GunnarpåMo beskriver.

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Hva med å sende en mail som skissert under? :lol: Eeeevil B)

Actually, we can make this even easier! A very good friend and former business associate of mine is currently visiting England, so he could stop by your place and pick up the guitar. My friend, easily recognisable by his tattooed left cheek and a cross-face scar, is driving around in England together with some old friends from the Hells Angels motorcycle club. I am sure he and his friends wouldn't mind driving to any place in lovely England, even more so if there is a chance of doing good business. Please let my know your whereabouts, and I will most quickly pass the information on to my friend and his mates, so that they may arrange for a swift pickup of the guitar.

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Hva med å sende en mail som skissert under? :lol: Eeeevil B)

Actually, we can make this even easier! A very good friend and former business associate of mine is currently visiting England, so he could stop by your place and pick up the guitar. My friend, easily recognisable by his tattooed left cheek and a cross-face scar, is driving around in England together with some old friends from the Hells Angels motorcycle club. I am sure he and his friends wouldn't mind driving to any place in lovely England, even more so if there is a chance of doing good business. Please let my know your whereabouts, and I will most quickly pass the information on to my friend and his mates, so that they may arrange for a swift pickup of the guitar.

Haha, likte den.

Hva med å foreslå at dere bruker third-party firma som du bestemmer hvilket? :P

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