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Handle fra utlandet, cites?


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Bestilte en gitar fra thomann og så kom denne på mail? Skjønner ikke helt. Noen som har erfaring? Må jeg ordne med noe papirer eller ordner de alt? Og hvor mye ekstra i avgifter er det snakk om? 

Please note that your order contains products with protected types of wood (CITES). Additionally to the normal costs for import duties and taxes there will be fees for the permission of the import of such products. CITES products have to be registered with the responsible authorities and the fees have to be paid by the customer. Please inform yourself at the responsible inspecting authority about the import conditions of such products. Due to the necessary export licence, extended processing times (presumably 4 - 5 weeks) may occur as well. The costs for the export licence are born by us for you. Please confirm your agreement in written form despite of the additional costs and efforts for the import of CITES products into your country. Your order is on hold until we have received your written confirmation!

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10 minutter siden, LTBR skrev:

Bestilte en gitar fra thomann og så kom denne på mail? Skjønner ikke helt. Noen som har erfaring? Må jeg ordne med noe papirer eller ordner de alt? Og hvor mye ekstra i avgifter er det snakk om? 

Please note that your order contains products with protected types of wood (CITES). Additionally to the normal costs for import duties and taxes there will be fees for the permission of the import of such products. CITES products have to be registered with the responsible authorities and the fees have to be paid by the customer. Please inform yourself at the responsible inspecting authority about the import conditions of such products. Due to the necessary export licence, extended processing times (presumably 4 - 5 weeks) may occur as well. The costs for the export licence are born by us for you. Please confirm your agreement in written form despite of the additional costs and efforts for the import of CITES products into your country. Your order is on hold until we have received your written confirmation!

Jeg trodde dette nå var over?? Det gjelder dog fortsatt for Braz og et par andre truede arter, men det er vel ikke tilfelle på en ny gitar. Hadde sendt en mail og spurt om hvorfor dette kommer nå som CITES ikke gjelder for musikkinstrumenter lengre.

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Dear Customer,


Thank you for your recent order.


It is put on hold now, due to the type of wood used in the construction of this guitar. 


As of January 2017, every commercial transaction outside of the EU containing certain species of ebony must be accompanied by a CITES re-export certificate.


So there are a few points we need to clarify with you in advance:


1. The export license must be processed by multiple government offices and this requires a long time, often about 8 weeks.


2. You might be asked to acquire an import license from your government so the shipment can be processed through your local customs office. This may result in additional fees.



Please let us know if you agree to these additional charges and accept that fact that we have no control over the timeline in regards to the processing time of the export certificate nor the additional time (and fees) your local customs office may need for processing.


If this process seems too extensive / is taking too long, you can of course decide on a non CITES product.


Your order is on hold until we´ve received your confirmation to the terms mentioned above.


Further background:

The Convention of International Trade of Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna (CITES) held a conference in October 2016 in Johannesburg, South Africa where it was decided that all species of rosewood under the genus Dalbergia and three Bubinga species will be protected under CITES Appendix II.

A new regulation took effect on January 2, 2017 that calls for documentation when shipping instruments internationally that contain any amount of any kind (i.e. fingerboard, back, sides, binding) of rosewood or certain types of Bubinga.

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For mange rosewood arter gjelder gamle regler enn så lenge. På samme måtes som ved innføringen er det nå treghet i systemet, og det ventes på en publisering/oppdatering av regelverket i medlemslandene.

Men ser de nevner ebony i eposten din og det kan bety at du trenger CITES dokumenter uansett.

Hvor lang tid og hvor mye dette koster har jeg ingen erfaring med.

Edited by blaamann
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5 minutes ago, LTBR said:

Fikk kontrabeskjed! Gitaren kom ikke under citesreglene allikevel så jeg kunne bare se bort fra tidligere mail. 

Høres amatørmessig ut, men bra for deg! Skjønte heller ikke at de nevnte ebony, men nevnte CITES Rosewood og Bubinga.

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