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Attenuator med noise gate?


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Finnes det attenuator med noise gate, så i kan slå to flua i en smekk?

Denne skal brukes på en Mesa dual recto (100w, 8 ohms).

Jeg skal også bestille nye rør, er ikke sikker om jeg skal kjøpe JJ eller TAD rør, erfaringer?

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"An interesting feature is the built-in noise reduction circuit that works without gating or any other “breathing” issues that can occur with common noise reduction circuits. THD explained it this way. A special bulb that works passively IS the noise reduction system. When lit, signal is going through and the light itself varies with the amount of signal flow. When you stop playing, the light shuts off immediately and in this way reduces the signal as well as the noise. THD explained that this is a well-known, simple but very effective way of creating a noise reduction circuit. Simple perhaps, but certainly elegant as well. A switch on the front allows you to turn this feature on or off."

OK... da dette har jeg tilgode å høre. Men siden det er en spesialpære virker muligens bare på spesiell støy - som jeg sikkert ikke har på systemet jeg har kjørt denne.

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"An interesting feature is the built-in noise reduction circuit that works without gating or any other “breathing” issues that can occur with common noise reduction circuits. THD explained it this way. A special bulb that works passively IS the noise reduction system. When lit, signal is going through and the light itself varies with the amount of signal flow. When you stop playing, the light shuts off immediately and in this way reduces the signal as well as the noise. THD explained that this is a well-known, simple but very effective way of creating a noise reduction circuit. Simple perhaps, but certainly elegant as well. A switch on the front allows you to turn this feature on or off."

For morro skyld måtte jeg prøve dette i går kveld. Hørte ingen forskjell i det hele tatt.. :unsure:

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Noisegate er for tullinger som er for ivrige med gainknotten.

Kall meg en tulling da :P

Takker for tipsa. Har vurdert thd hotplaten en stund, bare venter på at en tulling skal legge en ut på finn. :)

Synes ikke den er verdt 3000 ny <_<

Nokken som har erfaringa fra eurotube eller tad?

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